Saturday, September 27, 2008

Holding Out

I really HAVE been claying this summer! Take a look at my Flickr to see what I've been keeping from you. Summer is over, which dismays me to no end. I worked in the yard like crazy.... planted bushes and trees, tended perennials and grew some veggies. Went on a cruise to Alaska, beautiful! And beleive it or not, we experienced 80 degree sunshine every single day of that cruise. The locals said it was absolutely unprecedented weather, lucky me! I painted the deck, built new steps, hubby built a new shed. It's cute and looks like a cottage - love it! My sister came for a visit, we set up at the Garland Street Fair. 104 degrees that day, yikes! Slow sales, but hey I was with my sis and we had a good time. She was interviewed by channel 24 (KQUP? I think) anyway, talked about emerging indie artists and what it takes etc... The documentary should be out in November I believe. She did a great job and I cant wait to see it. (After the whole HGTV thing last year, I was not up for another minute of fame. And being the shy girl I am, I ran like the dickens from the camera!)

If you looked at my Flickr page, you can see that I am still not centered. I am so not afraid to try new things, in fact I crave new techniques. It is quite evident in my work, my style is just not defined. Never would you say.... "Oh look that must be a Lori piece." I go off in many directions and everything looks different. Hmmmmmmm.... not sure if that is a good thing. I had a gallery owner look at my work last year, she said I was "All over the place!" She said I needed to focus on one thing, like my leaves.
I needed to keep doing them, lots of them. Then show them, sell them, post them.... make myself known and then one day someone would say "Oh look that must be a Lori leaf, it looks like her work." I suppose that would be nice, but I just dont think it would be all that much fun. I think I will stick to my eclectic mish mash of anything goes. At least for now anyway. (318)

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