Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fall 2006

At this point I was still using inks and paint to add color to my creations. I joined other local artists and crafters at a holiday art fair to sell my works. The weekend was a success and lit a fire of inspiration within me.

My first show! I was excited, and my nerves got the best of me. I hyperventilated and dropped things, shook like an earthquake... I just wanted to run away. It was hard work, just the preparation pooped me out. I didnt have any pro-displays so I ransacked my home and came up with an earthy, eclectic feel to my area. I included items from my sister and a friend split the fee's. Between all of us, we had a blast and it was profitable for all. Doing this requires that you really have your ducks in a row, there is alot to think about. It is more than just setting up a card table and demanding a price. I'll leave it at this for now, someday I'll write a book detailing my experiences. Here are a few of the items I created for the show....

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